Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Can Training with Free Weights REALLY Help with Losing Weight?

To answer the question in regards training with free weights and losing weight here’s an analogy.

Pound for pound, primates in the wild are much stronger, yet are very similar to us in terms of DNA and with all the branchiation, exercises and locomotion that they do on a daily basis (which could be just as, if not more demanding than lifting weights), you would hardly ever see an ape upholstered with excess fat!

So suffice it to say that weight training, and not aerobics, is the most effective exercise for LONG TERM weight loss success.

You could jog, walk and dance (which are all good exercises into themselves) but how many people have you seen doing just that who still carry the flabby weight without tone, definition or basic strength.

Working out with weights not only protects lean muscle mass - it builds it. This requires additional calories, since the body must repair the muscle you damaged by building new muscle. This is done not while you're working out (again contrary to popular belief), but later, while you're resting.

As good as aerobics are, it is not the only way of burning calories (1 hour on an exercise bicycle burns just over 300 calories), and it does not contribute to a raised metabolism much past the period of exercising. In other words, you only achieve the benefit of a raised metabolism while you are performing the aerobic activity.

Weight training, on the other hand, can result in a raised metabolic rate for up to 72 hours AFTER the training period.

But not to be obsessive about either or in this scenario, perhaps another thing that training with free weights and losing weight might have in common in my estimation is that when THE proper diet is used for both, the two processes are all the more enhanced and improved.

So, if one asks you: “Can training with free weights REALLY help with losing weight?”
You can tell them to bet their bottom dollar that it does.

Kick butt and Take Names friends.


Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Abdominal Exercises Blog today for more information on Weight Training and Weight Loss

South Beach Diet Blog Info

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