Thursday, March 22, 2007

What You Should Know About Alcholic Drinks And How It Affects Your Weight Loss Program

Best Weight Loss Program - Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscles

Party drinks such as alcoholic drinks and cocktails that are being offered to you contain an incredible number of calories. These drinks and this little phrase “I’ll just have a little…” can be an absolute killer for your weight loss plans during this holiday if you are not careful.

And I’m not just talking about the food.

These party drinks is the hidden danger and can do more harm than just getting you intoxicated and embarrassingly uninhibited.

Did you know that these drinks contain an incredible number of calories?

Alcohol is the number two most energy-dense food, losing out only to fat. Fat contains 9 calories per gram while alcohol contains 7 calories per gram.

This means that each drink you consume will cause you to take in an alarmingly high number of calories.

Together with their calorie counts, here are some samples of more popular drinks…

1 glass of Bailey’s lrish Cream - 468 calories
1 glass of Margarita - 453 calories
1 glass of Martini - 413 calories
1 glass of Pina Colada - 297 calories
1 glass of Vodka Cranberry - 250 calories
1 glass of Rum & cola - 240 calories
1 glass of Screwdriver - 200 calories
1 mug of beer - 150 calories
1 glass of white wine - 120 calories
1 tequila shot - 100 calories

To put those calorie counts into perspective, having 2 glasses of Margaritas would give you about half of your daily calories requirements. Its 50% from just 2 drinks and that doesn’t include the calories from the food, nuts and snacks yet. Once we add those, you can see that it is easy for you to go over the daily calorie requirements and start piling on the pounds.

This doesn’t mean that you should stay away from alcoholic drinks. It’s just keeping you in mind the huge amount of calories in the drinks.

Best Weight Loss Program - Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscles

This holiday, I want to leave you with a couple of useful tips to help to reduce the “guilt factor” in you:

Fill up your glass with lots of ice cubes. The water from the melted ice has zero calories. Use soda water to dilute your drink. This will help to fill you up quicker and means you won’t get tipsy too quickly.

The most important tip is that you should not use alcoholic drinks to quench you thirst. You should be drinking party drinks for fun. Drink a big glass of water first to quench your thirst. It has zero calories.

If You Like This Article, then you might also like my other must-read Weight Loss Articles at - See You There!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Weight Loss Plan That Works

South Beach Diet Blog Info

I am one of the millions of people who find it very difficult to control their weight. I have tried many weight loss programs and am always actively searching for more. This was until a couple of years ago when I stumbled across something quite unique, a weight loss program which does actually work. I am finally, after all of those depressive years, able to walk down the street feeling confident about the way I look. In this article, I am going to write about this successful weight loss program in the hope that it can inspire other people to also reach their dream weight.

I used to hate being obese, yes that is correct I was not just fat, I was obese. I saw it as one vicious circle, I would feel sorry for myself and would then turn to food as a way of comfort. I have spent many a night sitting in front of the television eating from a huge tub of ice-cream. I would only plan to eat perhaps a quarter of the contents but would always end up eating the lot. This of course would only lead to an increase in weight and boy did I feel guilty the next morning. I was forever beating myself up.

I could not continue to live my life in this way and was quite fortunate to receive some quality advice via a good friend. He told me about the way in which he had managed to lose his excess weight.

This was his plan, I needed to write down everything that I ate. I was allowed to have five treats in the week and had to be disciplined not to go over this level.

I also had to exercise for an hour a day, this to me seemed to be the flaw as I am not one for exercising.

I could not believe how much food I was eating and by writing it all down taught me a huge lesson. The exercise was actually quite enjoyable and an hour is not exactly that long.

After around six months my hard work and determination had certainly paid off and I was a whole new man.

Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Can Training with Free Weights REALLY Help with Losing Weight?

To answer the question in regards training with free weights and losing weight here’s an analogy.

Pound for pound, primates in the wild are much stronger, yet are very similar to us in terms of DNA and with all the branchiation, exercises and locomotion that they do on a daily basis (which could be just as, if not more demanding than lifting weights), you would hardly ever see an ape upholstered with excess fat!

So suffice it to say that weight training, and not aerobics, is the most effective exercise for LONG TERM weight loss success.

You could jog, walk and dance (which are all good exercises into themselves) but how many people have you seen doing just that who still carry the flabby weight without tone, definition or basic strength.

Working out with weights not only protects lean muscle mass - it builds it. This requires additional calories, since the body must repair the muscle you damaged by building new muscle. This is done not while you're working out (again contrary to popular belief), but later, while you're resting.

As good as aerobics are, it is not the only way of burning calories (1 hour on an exercise bicycle burns just over 300 calories), and it does not contribute to a raised metabolism much past the period of exercising. In other words, you only achieve the benefit of a raised metabolism while you are performing the aerobic activity.

Weight training, on the other hand, can result in a raised metabolic rate for up to 72 hours AFTER the training period.

But not to be obsessive about either or in this scenario, perhaps another thing that training with free weights and losing weight might have in common in my estimation is that when THE proper diet is used for both, the two processes are all the more enhanced and improved.

So, if one asks you: “Can training with free weights REALLY help with losing weight?”
You can tell them to bet their bottom dollar that it does.

Kick butt and Take Names friends.


Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Abdominal Exercises Blog today for more information on Weight Training and Weight Loss

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