Sunday, October 28, 2007

Weight Loss Program – Is It Beneficial

If you are reading this article, then most probably you are overweight and planning to start a weight loss program. There are many weight loss programs out there that have been beneficial for many and there are many that have caused more problems than benefits. So, when you embark on a weight loss program, consult experts and make sure that the program will suit your body.

The best part about most weight loss programs is that you will most certainly lose weight if you follow the regimen to the ‘T’. However, the difficult part is maintaining the weight, as people tend to put on weight fast after discontinuing a weight loss program.

It is advised that you consult a health expert or dietician before you start a weight loss program. A weight loss program that is beneficial for one person may not be suitable for another. The metabolism of each individual varies. Do not jump at weight loss programs that advertise fast weight loss as it could prove to be harmful. The right weight loss program will assist you in losing 2-3 pounds a week and not more. If you are able to consistently lose 2 pounds a week for a few weeks, you will not only be a lot thinner and fit, you will most certainly stay that way.

Paul has been providing answers to lots of queries through his website on a wide variety of subjects ranging from satellite phones to acne. To learn more visit

Saturday, September 22, 2007

How to Find A Reponsible & Safe Weight Loss Program

Have you seen those ads in the paper that tell you “lose 10lb in 7 days” and wondered what it was all about. It is appealing. What if it were true? What is the secret I am missing? When we are unhappy about our shape and weight, the pursuit of these promises can be tantalizing but excuciating…what if it we end up disappointed? This article will show you how to select a safe weight loss program.

According to medical authorities a responsible and safe weight-loss program is one that has the following characteristics. This information can help you make an informed decision about joining a program.

A Responsible and Safe Weight-loss Program.

Experts agree that the best way to reach a healthy weight is to follow a sensible eating plan and engage in regular physical activity. Weight loss programs should encourage healthy behaviours that help you lose weight and that you can maintain over time.

A safe and effective weight loss program should include:

1. Healthy eating plans that reduce calories but do not rule out specific foods or food groups

2. Regular physical activity and/or exercise instruction

3. Tips on healthy behaviour changes that also consider your cultural needs

4. Slow and steady weight loss of about ¾ to 2 pounds per week and not more than 3 pounds per week (weight loss may be faster at the start of a program)

5. A plan to keep the weight off after you have lost it

Kim Beardsmore, M.Bus(HRM), B.Sc., is an Independent Herbalife Distributor and creator of the online magazine Weight Loss News. For more information about healthy weight loss, recipes and health visit your online Herbalife store at

Friday, June 22, 2007

Weight Loss: N Y Millionaire Weight Loss "Secret" Revealed

Check it OUT!!

It is a fact that about 70% Americans are overweight. There may be genetic, social and psychological factors involved in this problem.

Hi, my name is I-key. All my life, I have always tried to eat well. I constantly exercised and my weight remained stable for about 15 yrs.

I believe that good health is one the greatest assets one can have.

Read on and discover my simple weight loss secret that may inspire you.

My weight problem began 3 yrs ago, when I stopped exercising.

The reason was because I discovered a little known millionaire “SECRET”, Mscsrrr Millionaire Cash system. (That enables one to turn his computer into a home personal “Atm Machine” that generates $1,500+ weekly, without any large investment hard work or special training)

After I tested it and was shocked to make more money in a day than I make at my job in a month, I was hooked.

But it has a drawback, because if not done properly, it can make you lose all your money.

For this reason, I decided to lock myself up in my office to work on it day and night in order to figure out how to make this secret money making system safe and risk free for the average person to do. (for more details, please go to:

For this reason, I was not able to do any physical exercise and my weight ballooned.

One day, I went out, and suddenly I started having pains in my leg and had difficulty walking. I didn’t know how overweight I had become, until I took a photo of myself.

Holy mackerel, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw my photo, because I couldn’t believe the person in the photo was me! I was about 100 pounds overweight and looked like an elephant!

I was so horrified by my picture that I rushed into a nearby Chinese store and asked them if they had any herbal tea that can help me shed a lot of weight quickly. I bought a cup and immediately started drinking it. In 2 weeks, I didn’t lose any weight, instead I started having nervousness and twitching all over my body.

I knew right away the cause was the herbal tea and stopped drinking it. In a few days the nervousness went away.

Then I got on the internet and searched for weight loss diet. I was stunned by the search result of hundreds of different kinds of weight loss diets out there: Atkins, Jenny Craig, Richard Simmons, Dr. Phil, Weight Watchers, Low carb diets, high carb diets, high protein diets, Scarsdale diet, vegetarian diets, macrobiotic diets and many others.

Weight loss and nutrition are multi-billion dollar growth industries.

There are thousands of mlm and network companies out there hawking assorted diet pills, weight loss plans and programs, vitamins and nutraceuticals.

When I went to the bookstore, I was overwhelmed to see many weight loss and diet programs. I saw so many books on nutrition, aerobic exercise, home gym equipment.

On the TV, I saw Winfrey Oprah interview her guests about weight loss problems and listened to Dr. Phil talk about discipline and self control and saw Pilates' infomercial, Bally’s gym ads, Lucille Robert Ads, Suzanne Summer ads for home exercise equipments.

I read in the magazines how most diet pills are dangerous especially those that contain ephedra (ephedrine) which has since lead to many deaths.

I was horrified to read about some people resorting to surgery where their stomach or intestines are stapled or reduced in an effort to make them eat less and lose weight. Two celebrities, Carnie Wilson and Al Roker have successfully done this.

Two days ago, I heard Kevin Trudeau (of mega –memory program fame) speak on little known natural remedies that cure all the major ailments most people suffer from.

He revealed that most food processors and companies are now adding growth hormones to food substances and this may be another cause for overweight problem, food addiction and some of diseases we suffer.

The problem is that with this sea of information, diet and weight loss pills, diet and weight loss programs, recipes, vitamins, exercise regimens, books and tapes, it is not easy for an average overweight person to know where to begin. How does one know which weight loss and diet pill, weight loss program, or diet and exercise program is good for him? I didn’t!

However, my natural instinct told me that losing weight can be achieved easily by understanding the simple dynamics of how the average human body works.

If one eats less but does more physical exercise, one will lose weight.

But this is not always easy to do, because most people (like me) lack self-control and discipline regarding eating food. Also, most people unconsciously over eat food as a way to escape from confronting various emotional, psychological and social problems afflicting them.

It is the above insight that finally helped me to develop a simple weight loss plan and exercise regimen that helped me to lose 60 pounds in 6 weeks.

I began to eat only once in 3 days. And before eating any heavy food, I will first eat salads and fruits and drink a glass of warm milk. And instead of drinking only sodas, I also started drinking various juices. Twice or thrice in the week, at 6 am in the morning, I got up and jogged about 1-2 miles to get my blood circulatory system up and running.

For obvious reasons, I have started avoiding McDonalds (their fries, Big Mac) Wendy's, Subway, and Burger King restaurants and Taco Bell, with their burritos, tacos, and gorditas.

Once in a while I go out to Olive Garden and Applebees restaurants to dine with my friends.

During the new year, my plan is to hire a dietician to help me plan better meals. I also plan to get a personal weight training expert and start weight training.

My immediate goal is to lose another 60 Ibs within the next 2 months and to maintain my weight at 160 pounds by rigorously following my weight loss plan.

Please feel free to print this article, publish it anywhere or e-mail it to your friends and colleagues.

I-key Benney

I-key, an “Enlightened” man & Millionaire CEO from New York City is the creator of "Mscsrrr: Millionaire Cash System", (home income opportunity), which has helped thousands of ordinary people from all over the world to attain financial security and success during the past 2 yrs ago.

Also, please download and read our FREE report “12 Success Secrets Of American Millionaires And Billionaires Revealed”

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Finding A Safe Weight Loss Program

Best Weight Loss Program - Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscles Check it OUT!!

Let's face it, there are more weight loss programs to choose from both on and off the Internet. Each one comes with its own claims of getting rid of your excess weight quickly. But how many of these programs actually work and the ones that do, how safe are they? Hopefully, the few tips that you'll be reading in this article will guide you to finding a weight loss program that is both safe and effective.

The first thing you need to understand is what safe weight loss is. Safe weight loss is composed of three factors; how much weight you lose, how quickly you lose the weight and by what method you use to lose the weight.

How much weight you lose should be no more than what brings you down to your "ideal" weight for your height, bone structure and age. How quickly you lose the weight should be no more than 1 to 2 pounds a week. People who lose weight too quickly risk, not only bodily harm, but in most cases they only gain the weight back just as fast. This is why most quick weight loss diets don't work. Finally, there is the method by which you choose to lose the weight. Diet pills are just plain dangerous because of all the side effects and potential health risks. Read my article on diet pills if you want to get all the facts.

Now that you understand the basics of what a safe weight loss program is, finding one is simply a matter of studying each program and reading what it has to say. A program that tells you that you can lose 10 pounds in 5 days is not a safe program, period. Forget about whether or not it works. Losing weight that quickly is dangerous. Also, a program that works by having you take some sort of weight loss pill, is also not safe. The basic way to lose weight, in spite of what you have been led to believe, is to simply eat less. Pills are not the answer.

Eventually, as you do your research, and weed out the programs that preach practices that I have outlined as being dangerous, you will find a program that makes sense. This is not rocket science. If a program makes claims that sound too good to be true, then most likely they are. Take what you read with a grain of salt. Get the facts. Read what others have said about a particular program. Try to get your hands on unbiased reviews by people who are not trying to sell the program to you.

Finding a safe weight loss program is not hard. All you need to do is follow the few tips above and use a little common sense.

To YOUR Health,

Steve Wagner

If you're tired of weight loss programs that just don't work, please visit my site at where you can get a free report on how the drug companies are killing us. Then, check out our products page and the top selling book "Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle" and finally get rid of those pounds that just won't go away.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

2 Basic Laws of Weight Loss

2 Basic Laws of Weight Loss

Best Weight Loss Program - Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscles Check it OUT!!

Here's a little statement I've made before in various forms and forums.

Effective, lifelong weight loss is simple...not easy, just simple.

Everyone is seeking the ultimate weight loss secret. However, the "weight loss secret" has been known for years. Simply stated, if you take in more calories than you use, you gain weight. If you use more calories than you take in, you lose weight.

In their attempts to wiggle around those two simple facts, people have discovered that some foods, and some diet products, are effective in "helping" you cut down on the calories; and they have found lifestyles, and diet products, that "help" you burn more calories, but two simple laws have remained for healthy, effective, lifelong weight loss and weight management.

1. Get regular, moderate exercise

2. Regularly eat tasteful, nutritionally satisfying foods in reasonable quantities.

Do those two things, and your body will automatically adjust itself to a healthier, leaner, more fit state of existence.

Are there other things you can do to help the process along?

Of course there are. Drink more water, get more sleep, serve meals on smaller plates, eat more slowly...and so on. All these things and many other tips help the weight loss process, but, in the final analysis, it all comes down to those two rules up there.

Now, I said that if you do those two things, your body will automatically adjust itself to a healthier, leaner level. Unfortunately, since we are all upbringing, in ethnicity, in learned habits, in likes and dislikes, in daily lifestyle, in metabolism, and in so many other ways, a perfect weight loss program for one person may seem to be not very effective for another. Also, since we may attack our weight loss problem with a different intensity or attitude or expectation, what we perceive as "being effective" may not satisfy our neighbor...or may seem miraculous to him or her.

In the absence of individual coaching from a personal fitness trainer, and a trained dietician to prepare our meals, some of our actions in the areas of nutrition and exercise are going to be a little hit and miss. Add into that mix the process by which most of us go about our daily lives...staying up too late, rushing around to get all our obligations (real and imaginary) properly discharged, eating unhealthy food in a state of stress and on the go...and from a point of ignorance...and there is no surprise at that statement I made about weight loss being simple, but not necessarily easy.

All that being said, however, most of us can easily make regular attempts to meet the requirements of the two laws I outlined above. We can easily find ways to insert more activity, both planned and opportunistic, into our lives, and we can exercise more control over the food we put in our mouths. A great knowledge of physiology and the science of exercise is not necessary, nor is it a requirement that we be extremely knowledgeable in the science of nutrition either.

Most of us are perfectly aware that a five, ten, or fifteen minute walk is probably better for us than sitting in front of a TV watching a completely mindless show. Okay, I confess, I watch "Everybody Loves Raymond" regularly. Hmmm! Why does my wife keep calling me Frank? Anyway, we all understand that a few minutes of yard work is better for us than raiding the fridge for another beer or that other piece of pie.

We also know that if we have to slip into the kitchen for something to munch, a handful of nuts or an apple is probably going to be better for us than that piece of pie. Doing the healthy things from day to day is what will help us live up to the two laws I have mentioned.

Would we be able to more effectively exercise with a little more knowledge and training on the subject? Of course.

Would we be able to more effectively take control of our dietary and nutritional lifestyle with a bit more information? Of course we would.

If we have more knowledge about exercise and nutrition, will we be better able to make that weight loss plan of ours more effective? Without a doubt.

There is nothing stopping anyone from learning and applying knowledge about exercise and nutrition. No one needs to learn all the knowledge of the fitness trainer or the dietician. A simple, basic understanding of the two fields will suffice in most cases.

I would like to make one last point. In both of the two laws I mentioned above, the words "regular" and "regularly" appear. In terms of weight loss, fitness, and health, what you do today is not worth a hill of beans unless it is tied to events either before or after it. To go out and walk a mile today is a good thing, of course, but in terms of weight loss, health, and fitness, it will be a habit of walking a mile a day several days a week, over many weeks which will eventually result in the change you and I are seeking.

A good side to this is the empowering knowledge that a slip in our program today is not going to matter that much as long as we get back into the swing of things as soon as possible. If you are exercising regularly and eating properly, a piece of pie at a friend's house, a dish of ice cream at a birthday party, just one more piece of that delicious pot roast will not destroy all that you are attempting to accomplish...just don't let it happen too often.

What the heck! Isn't the purpose of a healthy lifestyle the idea of being able to enjoy life?

Donovan Baldwin is a Texas writer and a University of West Florida alumnus. He is a member of Mensa and is retired from the U. S. Army after 21 years of service. In his career, he has held many managerial and supervisory positions. However, his main pleasures have long been writing, nature, and fitness. In the last few years, he has been able to combine these pleasures by writing poetry and articles on subjects such as health, fitness, the environment, happiness, self improvement, and weight loss. He occasionally blogs on subjects related to health at and has a collection of articles on health, fitness, diet, and weight loss at .

Thursday, March 22, 2007

What You Should Know About Alcholic Drinks And How It Affects Your Weight Loss Program

Best Weight Loss Program - Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscles

Party drinks such as alcoholic drinks and cocktails that are being offered to you contain an incredible number of calories. These drinks and this little phrase “I’ll just have a little…” can be an absolute killer for your weight loss plans during this holiday if you are not careful.

And I’m not just talking about the food.

These party drinks is the hidden danger and can do more harm than just getting you intoxicated and embarrassingly uninhibited.

Did you know that these drinks contain an incredible number of calories?

Alcohol is the number two most energy-dense food, losing out only to fat. Fat contains 9 calories per gram while alcohol contains 7 calories per gram.

This means that each drink you consume will cause you to take in an alarmingly high number of calories.

Together with their calorie counts, here are some samples of more popular drinks…

1 glass of Bailey’s lrish Cream - 468 calories
1 glass of Margarita - 453 calories
1 glass of Martini - 413 calories
1 glass of Pina Colada - 297 calories
1 glass of Vodka Cranberry - 250 calories
1 glass of Rum & cola - 240 calories
1 glass of Screwdriver - 200 calories
1 mug of beer - 150 calories
1 glass of white wine - 120 calories
1 tequila shot - 100 calories

To put those calorie counts into perspective, having 2 glasses of Margaritas would give you about half of your daily calories requirements. Its 50% from just 2 drinks and that doesn’t include the calories from the food, nuts and snacks yet. Once we add those, you can see that it is easy for you to go over the daily calorie requirements and start piling on the pounds.

This doesn’t mean that you should stay away from alcoholic drinks. It’s just keeping you in mind the huge amount of calories in the drinks.

Best Weight Loss Program - Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscles

This holiday, I want to leave you with a couple of useful tips to help to reduce the “guilt factor” in you:

Fill up your glass with lots of ice cubes. The water from the melted ice has zero calories. Use soda water to dilute your drink. This will help to fill you up quicker and means you won’t get tipsy too quickly.

The most important tip is that you should not use alcoholic drinks to quench you thirst. You should be drinking party drinks for fun. Drink a big glass of water first to quench your thirst. It has zero calories.

If You Like This Article, then you might also like my other must-read Weight Loss Articles at - See You There!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Weight Loss Plan That Works

South Beach Diet Blog Info

I am one of the millions of people who find it very difficult to control their weight. I have tried many weight loss programs and am always actively searching for more. This was until a couple of years ago when I stumbled across something quite unique, a weight loss program which does actually work. I am finally, after all of those depressive years, able to walk down the street feeling confident about the way I look. In this article, I am going to write about this successful weight loss program in the hope that it can inspire other people to also reach their dream weight.

I used to hate being obese, yes that is correct I was not just fat, I was obese. I saw it as one vicious circle, I would feel sorry for myself and would then turn to food as a way of comfort. I have spent many a night sitting in front of the television eating from a huge tub of ice-cream. I would only plan to eat perhaps a quarter of the contents but would always end up eating the lot. This of course would only lead to an increase in weight and boy did I feel guilty the next morning. I was forever beating myself up.

I could not continue to live my life in this way and was quite fortunate to receive some quality advice via a good friend. He told me about the way in which he had managed to lose his excess weight.

This was his plan, I needed to write down everything that I ate. I was allowed to have five treats in the week and had to be disciplined not to go over this level.

I also had to exercise for an hour a day, this to me seemed to be the flaw as I am not one for exercising.

I could not believe how much food I was eating and by writing it all down taught me a huge lesson. The exercise was actually quite enjoyable and an hour is not exactly that long.

After around six months my hard work and determination had certainly paid off and I was a whole new man.

Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:

stuttering therapy
advice for people who stutter

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Can Training with Free Weights REALLY Help with Losing Weight?

To answer the question in regards training with free weights and losing weight here’s an analogy.

Pound for pound, primates in the wild are much stronger, yet are very similar to us in terms of DNA and with all the branchiation, exercises and locomotion that they do on a daily basis (which could be just as, if not more demanding than lifting weights), you would hardly ever see an ape upholstered with excess fat!

So suffice it to say that weight training, and not aerobics, is the most effective exercise for LONG TERM weight loss success.

You could jog, walk and dance (which are all good exercises into themselves) but how many people have you seen doing just that who still carry the flabby weight without tone, definition or basic strength.

Working out with weights not only protects lean muscle mass - it builds it. This requires additional calories, since the body must repair the muscle you damaged by building new muscle. This is done not while you're working out (again contrary to popular belief), but later, while you're resting.

As good as aerobics are, it is not the only way of burning calories (1 hour on an exercise bicycle burns just over 300 calories), and it does not contribute to a raised metabolism much past the period of exercising. In other words, you only achieve the benefit of a raised metabolism while you are performing the aerobic activity.

Weight training, on the other hand, can result in a raised metabolic rate for up to 72 hours AFTER the training period.

But not to be obsessive about either or in this scenario, perhaps another thing that training with free weights and losing weight might have in common in my estimation is that when THE proper diet is used for both, the two processes are all the more enhanced and improved.

So, if one asks you: “Can training with free weights REALLY help with losing weight?”
You can tell them to bet their bottom dollar that it does.

Kick butt and Take Names friends.


Foras Aje is an independent researcher and co-founder of BodyHealthSoul LLC. Stop by His Abdominal Exercises Blog today for more information on Weight Training and Weight Loss

South Beach Diet Blog Info

Saturday, February 24, 2007

How To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Will doing a lot of stomach exercises help? Unfortunately it isn't that simple to get rid of stomach fat. The human body just doesn't work that way. Let me explain.

When you exercise, the body burns fat evenly through the whole body. Not just the area you are working out. So when you perform stomach exercises you are simply toning the muscle, fat does not turn into muscle.

Fat is stored as energy by the body. The body use that energy when greater than usual physical effort is perform. So 20 to 30 minutes of exercise combined with a low fat diet and a good herbal supplement can work wonders. Lets break down these steps.

First, to get rid of those love handles and that double chin, you need to look at your diet. This is the most important thing. Cutting down on pastas, potatoes and bread is essential. When you are hungry for a snack reach for a fruit instead of a chocolate bar or a bag of potato chips.

The Second thing you need to do to get rid of your stomach fat is exercise. It is much easier when you have a weight loss system you can follow. It needs to be easy to do and understand otherwise you will not stick with it. If you feel an exercise program is just too demanding to begin with you should take a 20 minute walk. That's all you need to get started. Then when you see how good you feel at the end of the week, you will want to do more. First thing you know you will lose weight, be fit and feel great.

The third thing you need is a good herbal supplement. Why herbal? Because there are some that are just as effective if not even more than any weight loss drugs but have none of the side effects of the drugs. However it is important to choose a supplement from a reputable company that has a good track record of satisfied customers, and are referred to by its customers and leading health experts as safe and effective.

Each step in its own can produce mediocre results but combine all 3 and you can achieve remarkable results.

One of the more popular systems on the internet is the ProShapeRx-O-Vital weight loss system.
Coming soon, the worlds first weight loss supplement to be clinically proven to bind fat. They call it Proactol. View this revolutionary product here: Proactol Tm

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lose Weight Forever with an Online Weight Loss Program

Who says you can't lose weight with a diet pill? I beg to differ. Did you know there are specialized weight loss programs designed just for obesity sufferers who use the Phentermine diet pill?

The online weight loss program in general is gaining popularity because it is convenient, offers 24/7 weight loss support and they don't cost an arm and a leg to join.

Some of the top online weight loss programs include eDiets, Cyberdiet, Weight Watchers, and the Zone just to name a few. Now, these programs are great for the casual dieter who wants to lose 10-20 pounds, but they just don't offer enough motivation and support for those of us who are fighting a much bigger battle. I'm talking about obesity.

If you're looking to lose 30, 50 or even 100 pounds, the weight loss programs above are probably not the best choices. So where do you turn? Many of us have tried everything without significant results, and have resorted to using a diet pill such as Phentermine. And wow, do we get results! But are they permanent? According to a study by of 7200 members, 90% of people lose 30-60lbs with Phentermine, but since they don't improve their diet and exercise habits, the same bad habits come back to haunt them once they stop the pill and they regain most or all of the weight they lost. This is the common "yo-yo" dieting pattern that causes over 50% of dieting women to destroy their metabolism.

So far, you've seen what doesn't help you lose weight permanently, so it's about time I revealed what does work. Here's what you need to lose 30-100 pounds and keep them off for life:

Instant, 24/7 motivation from many friends
Tools and step-by-step guidance to transform your bad habits into healthy, fat-burning habits.
A weight loss program that can help you get through a plateau.

The online weight loss program at helps people lose between 10-20lbs per month and choose a healthy, easy to follow diet such as South Beach, Okinawa, Mediterranean, or Body For Life. Diet plans are combined with unlimited online personal training to discover which exercises will melt fat away from the problem areas such as flabby arms, big thighs, and stomach. To get started, subscribe to our free newsletter packed with weight loss tips and advice from our diet and fitness experts.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

6 Pilates Exercise Tips - Lose Weight And Improve Fitness

Pilates Exercise Tips

Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates, who integrated several body disciplines to form the Pilates exercise methodolody. Here are some useful Pilates exercise tips and pointers: -

1) Pilates will not help you build huge muscles. Large muscles can make you more susceptible to bodily injury unless they are adequately conditioned. It may surprise you to learn that bodybuilders can benefit from Pilates exercise as it also helps elongate the muscle and also aids movement and positioning. This helps reduce the incident of injuries whilst practicing other sports.

2) Pilates exercise can be done in very little time. As it concentrates more on quality than quantity, most of the exercise routines can even be done at home in 10 to 20 minutes. If you have a busy schedule and don't have much time to fit in an exercise routine, you may find Pilates is the thing for you. Atypically you will do a maximum of ten repetitions in any one exercise.

3) If you don't want to or can't work out at home, then an exercise studio is a good option. The added advantage of this is you will be in the company of others exercising, have access to an expert there to guide you whilst also having the correct equipment required for the exercises.

4) Pilates is not just about balance of the body, it's also about balance of the mind as well. Pilates concentrates on methods of breathing that increase blood flow to the brain. This increases circulation and removes toxins from your body as well. You can also find more information on breathing techniques for Pilates exercises at

5) Consider also using other pieces of equipment suitable for Pilates such as an exercise ball, a mat and resistance bands after you have mastered the initial movements and are comfortable that you are doing them using the proper techniques.

6) The most demanding form of Pilates exercise is the winsor pilates system. This system burns the highest amount of energy and assists in also losing weight. After you have done Pilates for a while you may want to focus on a specific set of exercises to get in the kind of shape you want to.

Article by John Glover. Learn how to lose weight and improve body conditioning with Pilates exercises by visiting => Pilates Information at

La Weight Loss Program Info

Monday, January 29, 2007

Tips For Weight Loss Without Dieting

There are two main reasons why the majority of people are overweight. The first is a high intake of calories. We are all so busy that no one has time to prepare a healthy meal at home. So what do we do? We hit the local fast food restaurant. The food is delicious, dripping with grease and special sauces, but also loaded with calories.

The second reason people are overweight is low activity levels. The world has evolved into a network of high technology. But it has come at a price. The people of the world have become more sedentary. Hours and hours spent in front of our computers and video games are telling the tale on our waistline and butts.

So if you combine fast food meals with sedentary lifestyles, what could you expect to get but an epidemic of overweight people?

So now it is up to you to make a change. The goal is to burn more calories than you consume. I am going to give you a few tips to make this possible.

1. Eat six times a day. Have your 3 regular meals and 3 small, healthy snacks in between. This will boost your metabolism to burn fat.

2. Eat lean meats, skinless chicken and fish. If you feel like you must have that hamburger, choose ground chuck which has less fat.

3. Eat smaller portions. Here is a good link to clarify portion size:

4. Eat slower. Give your stomach time to signal your brain that it is full.

5. Eat more fruits and vegetables. For snacks in between meals, eat fruit instead of cookies or chips.

6. Drink more water. Replace at least one soda a day with a glass of water. Drinking a full glass of water before a meal may help you eat less.

Next, it is important to increase your activity. Try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. If this is not possible starting out, here a few simple things you can do to increase your activity.

1. Park your car farther away in the parking lot of work or the shopping mall.

2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

3. Put away the TV remote and get up to change the channel.

4. Dance!

5. Water exercise is especially good for larger people who may have trouble with standing or walking. It puts less stress on the joints. Check with the local YMCA or health club to see if they have water exercise classes.

6. Invest in a stationary bike. This is good for cardio exercise.

7. Get a partner. Find someone who will keep you accountable and give you support.

Warm up with stretches before any type of exercise. Cool down slowly after exercise to protect your heart and help relax your muscles. Most importantly, always practice any lifestyle change under the guidance of your physician.

Weight loss is up to you. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to become healthier. Losing weight is not about dieting or starving yourself. It is all about a lifestyle change. Commit yourself to eating better and exercising more and your life will definitely change for the better!

Dawn Robertshaw has written numerous articles and ebooks on coping with life in the 21st century. For more free articles, tips, advice and a range of health and relationship targeted information products in written and audio form for immediate download visit us at

La Weight Loss Program