Thursday, November 30, 2006

To Lose Weight - Visualize a Thinner You

Many people trying to lose weight get stuck in the belief that they are fat and therefore should eat like a fat person. If their diet fails, it is not their fault, they believe; it is because they are so fat that they are out of control. However, studies have proven that when people imagine that they are very skinny and are prone to being very selective about portions and types of food, they are more likely to drop pounds - and they do it faster.

The reasoning is simple: as you adjust your thinking to imagining a thinner you, you are changing your mind to become a thinner you. You are admitting that you know the habits that being thin requires and you are convincing your body that you are ready to take the steps towards it.

Some people even keep extra large clothes around so that when they have “fat days” they can wear the clothes and remind themselves that they have the potential to be smaller. If you are having hard time imagining a thinner you, then simply slip on an oversized pair of sweatpants and T-shirt. Select a bowl of yogurt instead of a bowl of ice cream and you are on your way to changing your mind and body.

Here are some more tips that can help you act like a thin person:

Be picky

People who watch what they eat closely generally tend to be aware of every calorie that they put into their bodies. If you do not like a particular food, you do not have to eat it simply because it is offered to you. Be selective about what you put into your body.

Eat like a Rabbit

Well, not really. But thin people generally either have a fantastic metabolism, or they are thin because they are very healthy. The more high-fiber and high mineral foods you eat, the fuller you will feel. You will eat less high fatty and high calorie food is you eat healthy foods regularly. Train your body to love healthy foods, like large salads so that when hunger arises, you innately go for a salad over a piece of cheesecake.

Exercise regularly

Thin people make exercise an important part of their daily routine. Thin people who are thin because they treat their bodies well know that exercise not only decreases the amount of fat on your body, but it also increases your metabolism, self confidence and your overall health. Make sure that you make time to work out for at least 30 minutes each day.

Cook for Yourself

When you take time to prepare a meal, you treat food as if it is special. Instead of heading out to the nearest fast food joint or throwing together a mélange of processed foods, spend your evening preparing a well-rounded dish. You will not only enjoy the meal, but the cooking process will also prove to be very relaxing.

Author: Joey Dweck is the Founder & CEO of a community committed to 24/7 support, expert advice, and helping people find a buddy(s) who will support their effort to lose weight, and live a healthier lifestyle. Basic membership is Free. Sign up for the Free, award winning, 12-Part E-Course “Losing for Good”

South beach diet Info

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Medical Weight Loss Programs: Are They Right for Me?

Medical weight loss programs may or may not be commercially owned. Services are provided in a health-care setting,such as a hospital, by licensed health professionals, such as physicians, nurses, dietitians, and/or psychologists. In some clinical programs, a health professional works alone; in others, a group of health professionals works together to provide services to patients. Clinical programs may offer you services such as nutrition education, medical care, behavior change therapy, and physical activity.

Clinical programs may also use other weight-loss methods, such as very low-calorie diets, prescription weight-loss drugs, and surgery, to treat severely overweight patients. These treatments are described below:

Very low-calorie diets (VLCDs) are commercially prepared formulas that provide no more than 800 calories per day and replace all usual food intake. VLCDs help individuals lose weight more quickly than is usually possible with low-calorie diets. Because VLCDs can cause side effects, obesity experts recommend that only people who are severely overweight use these diets, and only with proper medical care.

Prescribed weight-loss drugs should be used only if you are likely to have health problems caused by your weight. You should not use drugs to improve your appearance. Natural weight-loss supplements, when combined with a healthy diet and regular physical activity, may help some obese adults lose weight. There is a wide variety of prescription weight-loss drugs on the market, however, before these medications can be widely recommended, more research is needed to determine their long-term safety and effectiveness.

You may consider gastric surgery to promote weight loss if you are more than 80 pounds overweight. The surgery, sometimes called bariatric surgery, causes weight loss in one of two ways: 1) by limiting the amount of food your stomach can hold by closing off or removing parts of the stomach or 2) by causing food to be poorly digested by bypassing the stomach or part of the intestines. After surgery, patients usually lose weight quickly. While some weight is often regained, many patients are successful in keeping off most of their weight. In some cases, the surgery can lead to problems that require follow-up operations. Surgery may also reduce the amount of vitamins and minerals in your body and cause gallstones.

If you are considering a weight-loss program and you have medical problems, or if you are severely overweight, programs run by trained health professionals may be best for you. These professionals are more likely to monitor you for possible side effects of weight loss and to talk to your doctor when necessary.

Hoodia Weight Loss Info
Marcus Langley is a contributing writer for, an editorial about various health issues. This edition's article is -Weight Loss Dangers Exposed- by Lars Ericsson.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Weight Loss Tips

I’m sure you may have read many diet books maybe you have even tried a diet or two. There are so many out there, that it’s almost impossible to figure out what’s right from wrong. Today I’m going to give you some tips on weight loss that I think are great and in later articles go into the pros and cons of some diets. Enjoy your weight loss tips!

Tip 1

EXERCISE IN THE MORNING ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. - I mean aerobic work such as biking or walking as well as anaerobic work such as weightlifting.. Doing exercise before you eat will burn more fat because you have no food to wear off. Your metabolism will be raised all day and will help burn more calories. Also if you do it first thing it will be done and you won’t have to worry about doing it later in the day.

Tip 2

FOOD - Eat more cleaner foods like fruits and vegetables. The more nutrient dense your food is the fuller you will get and the less you will eat. You want to stay away from processed food as much as possible including diet foods. Make you meals as balanced as possible. Have a protein source, a carb source (complex carbs), and a vegetable source. Eat foods raw when possible. Having more meals of smaller portions throughout the day will give you more energy and allow your body to process food better.

Tip 3

DRINK LOTS OF WATER - Drink as much water as you can. Within reason of coarse. I suggest 1 ounce per lb. of bodyweight. A large portion of our bodies are water so it only stands to reason that we need a lot of it to function properly. I believe that most people are dehydrated. With all the coffee, tea , soda, alcohol people are drinking these days its easy to see how they would be.

Tip 4

QUIT EATING AFTER A CERTAIN TIME - I suggest you eat you last meal or snack at least 4 hrs before going to bed. Some people quit eating right after supper. 6,7,8 or 9pm. The main point to learn here is to not eat right before bed. Your body will not use that food for fuel it will just turn to fat. Eat for what you will be doing next, if you are doing nothing next then don’t eat!
Dan DesjardinsPO Box 151, Charlton, Ontario Canada P0J 1B0



Dan is a certified personal trainer who has helped people with their fitness goals as well as provide advice on disease, nutrition, training and supplementation. While making some major changes is his life he learned better ways of creating and sustaining change and would like to pass that knowledge on to others.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Best Weight Loss Programs - Tactics That Work!

Looking to lose weight and want to find the best solution? Have you tried every trick in the book and still struggled to lose those unwanted pounds?

I have been in your shoes. I know how it is to exercise regularly, eat right and lose most of the weight, but it's hard to lose those last few stubborn pounds. It's possible to break past this barrier, and I will teach you how.

For starters, I don't want you to make dramatic changes in your lifestyle. Instead, I want to to improve on some of the things that you are doing already. It's hard to introduce new habits, and a a lot easier to change or modify existing ones.

That's exactly what my 12 step solution is all about. Try these simple and effective tactics to supercharge your weight loss efforts. Do the best you can and don't try and do it all at one time.
1. Become more positive and receptive to new weight-loss ideas. Because permanent weight-loss success begins not with the measuring cup but the mind, take a minute to explore your reasons for wanting to lose weight. Just fitting into a smaller dress size is not enough. What then? That's when the weight creeps back. A healthy weight should be a part of your mindset. It's not just about looking better or fitting into smaller clothes but about being healthier and maintaining a healthy lifestyle of the rest of your life. This is easier said than done. It takes some practice. Ask yourself WHY do you want to lose weight? Can you zero in on a better reason than a smaller dress size? Sure, you want to look good, but you want to feel good, too, right? That is what will keep you motivated for a lifetime.

2. Write everything down. Take a journal and make a note of how much you exercise, what you are eating, your successes and your failures.Write down what you eat, and check it against a calorie counter every night for the next two weeks. For many people, this is all it takes to wake up and reverse a lifetime of bad habits. This may sound silly but it's one of the best weight-loss tactics in the world. I have heard several instances where clients eat a healthy salad but sprinkle itwith so much dressing that you end up with a 500 calorie meal. Once you start seeing how many calories there are in what you're eating, you'll know which foods to cut back on or eliminate.

3. Become more active. This is my favorite tip. Exercise is the single strongest predictor of you ability to lose weight - and keep it off. Yes, exercise burns calories, increases your metabolism and energy, and develops lean muscle mass. But just as important, exercise catapults your self-esteem, which makes you more likely to do other things to take care of yourself, like eat less. Get moving means strength training AND aerobic conditioning.

4. Resist that first bite especially for the foods you love. You've heard it before: everything is okay in moderation. But face it: there are certain foods you simply can't eat moderately. If one cookie or a handful of chips is never enough, it's best just to avoid these foods altogether. If you've spent your entire adult life trying to eat a little of certain foods and failing, that is your signal to just forget it and don't even take a bite.

5. Drink more water. Most people complain "I hate water." "It's soooo boring. There's no taste!" "I can't drink too much or I'll waste my day in the bathroom." "I know I have to drink more water. I just keep forgetting about it." You know you need at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. You need to understand why water is so important. Yes, it fills you up. It controls your appetite. Did you know that it also aids in metabolizing fat? your liver is busy metabolizing fat and ridding your body of toxins. Water helps to get rid of toxins. If you're not drinking enough water, you have more toxins in your body, compromising the liver's ability to metabolize fat. You need water on hand for fat metabolism.

6. Reduce 100 calories from your diet every day. Make a commitment to cut 100 calories a day from your diet and replace it with an activity that burns 100 calories. It's easier to pinpoint the 100 with the journal I talked about earlier. If you did nothing else, you'd lose 10 lb. at the end of a year. A few activities that burn 100 cals are 1/2 hr. of walking, 20 minutes of swimming, or even dancing around your living room.

7. Eat fruits and vegetables every day. These have a powerful effect on sugar cravings. Plus, they're low in calories, fill you up with fiber, and pack a powerful nutritional punch.
8. Start training with weights. More muscle means more calories burned, even at rest. The key to permanent weight loss.

9. Eat more fibre. Fiber-rich fruits and veggies are great nutritional fare, since they fill you up without adding too much fat or too many calories. But increasing fiber intake could actually reduce the amount of calories absorbed by the body, too.

10. Spread your calories out over the course of the day. The typical American eats light during the day, and heavier at night. Yikes! By the time you get to dinner, your metabolism has gotten sluggish, which means a greater number of calories will be stored as fat. It's even worse if you're not active after dinner. Eat larger meals during the day, and have a light dinner.

11. Change Your Shopping Style When I go grocery shopping I can take one look at someone's shopping cart and make some basic assumptions about their lifestyle. If you want to lose weight your grocery shopping habits must improve. Thin starts at the grocery store. Before you hit the checkout lane, review your selections and dump any sugary, fatty treats and snacks. Your family may complain but they will get used to it.

12. Mix up your workouts. Crosstraining is the key to success. It is said the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and yet expect the same results. The same applies to fitness. You can't expect to do the same exercise, at the same intensity week after week and continue to see results. The body must be 'shocked' to respond with results. As long as the exercise is unpredictable and varied or manipulated every two weeks you will continue improving and losing weight.

For more information about these exercises, and to get free full color exercise routines, diet plans and grocery lists, visit Best Weight Loss Programs and Toning For Women. You can train with Nitin at the Phone Fitness Trainer website

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Online Weight Loss Programs

Weight loss programs are increasingly being promoted over the Internet. Jenny Craig, E-diets and Weight Watchers offer some of the popular online programs. Websites provide dieters with resources to develop their own nutritional and exercise plans to facilitate weight loss. Ease of access enables more participation in these programs. These sites also offer personal trainers that offer customized plans for the dieters. They also keep a track of their weights as their plan progresses. They mostly offer balanced diet-non-fad plans, low GI diets, vegetarian diets, low cholesterol diets and others as advised by the trainer. Such sites include exhaustive diet plans and information on different exercises that can be undertaken to attain weight loss.

It is advisable to consider only those online programs that have a track record of proven and guaranteed results. A majority of these online weight loss programs are to be paid for and hence the user must ensure quality before spending money on them. Ideally online weight loss programs should have personal guidance as one of their aspects of support. Lack of proper guidance often results in blocks or impediments in the process of weight loss.

Some sites also conduct regular offline meetings for the purpose of assessment, guidance and support. These can be once a month or once a week as per the schedule given by the counselor. Such meetings lend a social touch to the otherwise personal issue of weight loss. The meetings are very useful for behavior counseling and procurement of further guidance to fine-tune programs to suit dieters in the best possible manner. Some sites also allow contacting counselors to discuss a problem, which is a definite advantage. Another feature may be the provision of an online store for purchasing carefully balanced food items.

Weight Loss Programs provides detailed information on Weight Loss Programs, Best Weight Loss Programs, Free Weight Loss Programs, Online Weight Loss Programs and more. Weight Loss Programs is affiliated with Weight Loss Diet Pills.

Hoodia Weight Loss Info

Friday, November 10, 2006

Weight Loss Programs

Weight loss programs are a popular option for people who want to shed pounds rapidly in a safe manner. Over eight million Americans enroll in such programs every year. Most weight loss programs are a careful mix of a balanced diet and regular and planned exercise. Most weight loss programs provide a counselor who may be contacted via phone or Internet to answer personal questions. They also provide advice as to how weight loss may be maximized. These programs mainly focus on balanced nutrition. Several options are available which are actually customized according to special needs of clients, including diabetics, the obese, or people with high blood pressure.

It must be borne in mind that several weight loss programs tend to make exaggerated claims and advertising should not be the only criteria for deciding upon a weight loss program. The Federal Trade Commission brought action against several weight loss programs that are offered challenging their claims, yet each day new programs make their way unchecked into the market. A person interested in losing weight should therefore have his/her concerns answered to his/her satisfaction before adopting a program It is generally believed that most weight loss programs are unable to provide long term weight control and therefore a the past record of a particular program must be taken as the main criteria for its adoption. Many programs, on the other hand, in view of their un-optimized diet plans can course serious health damage. One therefore needs to select a program that is reputed to be healthy and effective. Usually, the best option would involve healthy eating regime along with a plan for regular physical activity.

Weight Loss Programs provides detailed information on Weight Loss Programs, Best Weight Loss Programs, Free Weight Loss Programs, Online Weight Loss Programs and more. Weight Loss Programs is affiliated with Weight Loss Diet Pills.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

How To Find The Best Weight Loss Program And Be Done With It

Hello and Welcome. Before we go to the article, i would like to share something with you guys. Are You Looking For the Best Weight Loss Program? Then You Should definetlyCheck out the Amazing

"Fat loss- Burn the Fat feed the Muscles"


Have you been going back and forth, jumping from one weight loss program to the next? Are you still trying to find, the best weight loss program that works? This is a hard task. Well let me tell you this. They are out there and they do exist. You just got to dig deeper.

People first are looking for the best weight loss program out there before actually loosing the weight itself. You need to know what to look for in a weight loss program and what questions to ask

Before looking into a weight loss program, you may want to talk to your doctor first. It is a doctor's job to help you improve your health. Isn't that what they are there for? Through your doctor, find out as much as you can about your health first before joining any weight loss program. At least you will know where you stand health wise.

Now, in your quest to find the best, make sure it is safe. Look for a program that will have a 1000 to 2000 calorie intake. Any calorie program lower that 1000 is dangerous. Also, a program should focus on slow changes. Don't go for the quickies.

Make sure the professionals who are working in the weight loss arena can answer your questions easily. And especially about pricing. Some of these programs cost so much and you get nothing out of it. Just a little tin-kle return. And does the program carry any risk? Definitely ask this one.

You also want to know how many people have been with the program and for how long and are they still using the weight loss program. And if this program you are looking into is celebrity endorsed, don't be afraid to ask questions about that celebrity and how much weight they lost. Why not if he or she is endorsing the program.

The best weight loss program out there is one that is going to motivate you. One that makes you feel good mentally, physically and spiritually. And this is what you should look for.
If you are looking for a great weight loss system that you can do in the privacy of your home, you can check this out. The best weight loss program Work it!!!

Mediterranean Diet Info


Friday, November 03, 2006

How To Choose The Best Weight Loss Program

Hello and Welcome. Before we go to the article, i would like to share something with you guys. Are You Looking For the Best Weight Loss Program? Then You Should definetly
Check out the Amazing

The term obesity strictly denotes a substantial excess of body fat. However, it is very difficult to measure fat content directly in living people and so some measure of weight in relation to height is usually used to indicate an individual’s degree of fatness. In the past, weight-for-height tables were the most common way of assessing people’s weight status. Of late, the Body Mass Index (BMI) has become the usual routine way of measuring fatness. When tested on groups of ordinary adults, BMI is found to be a surprisingly good predictor of body fat content. In some studies, it is almost as good as several of the sophisticated laboratory methods of measuring obesity.

The BMI is the weight (in kilograms) divided by the height (in meters) squared. Obesity is an enduring disease, which means there is continuous widespread accretion of excess fat in the body. Obesity is known to be a precursor to many health problems, particularly cardiovascular disease, hypertension, arthritis and diabetes. Because of the negative health and social implications of obesity, people often seek weight loss programs. Though, there are several weight loss programs, the best weight loss program remains, exercise combined with low-calorie whole foods diet and lifestyle changes. However, choosing the ingredients for an ideal diet in today’s marketplace requires a healthy dose of skepticism, diligence, and a certain amount of fortitude to resist slipping into old convenience patterns.

The most common weight loss strategy is dieting. However, dieting alone seldom proves successful in the long term, particularly if an individual is morbidly obese. The success rate for this supposedly best weight loss program stands a dismal three to five percent. Furthermore, significant numbers of dieters die as a result of anorexia or its complications – they literally starve themselves to death. Other allegedly best weight loss program is use of medications or drugs to control or treat obesity. Most of these slimming-pills work by making a person feel less hungry or making the stomach feel fuller soon. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not recommend the use of drugs in the treatment of obesity, as they are found to cause serious heart valve problems.

At levels that are achievable by untrained and especially by overweight individuals, exercise alone is unlikely to be effective in producing substantial weight loss. It needs to be combined with a reducing diet. It must also be said at this point, that in most studies that have looked at the contribution of exercise to weight loss programs, the conclusion has been that exercising has led to only a modest increase in weight loss as compared to dieting. However, when longer-term outcome has been assessed, the evidence suggests that an exercise component increases the chances of long-term success. Once people have lost weight and relaxed their diet, they are less likely to regain weight if their 'best weight loss program' includes an exercise element. Remember, keeping lost weight off is even more of a challenge than losing it in the first place.

Devising a diet and exercise program is not difficult but keeping to it is. To increase the chances of success, a best weight loss program should ideally take account of factors such as: your likes, dislikes, food intolerances, your pattern of eating, your food preparation skills, your need to fit your diet in with the needs of others, your amount of leisure time and your ability and willingness to incorporate more physical activity in everyday living. The best weight loss program that takes account of these factors and is tailored to your circumstances should have the best chance of success. You may therefore be the "best man" to design your best weight loss program.

Wray Burns is author & owner of a website aimed at providing help & information for people looking to lose weight and improve their fitness.

How To Choose The Best Weight Loss Program